The B2B eCommerce Dilemma: Build, Buy, or Customize?

On August 11, 2024 / By Olga Yurchak

The B2B eCommerce Dilemma: Build, Buy, or Customize?

On August 11, 2024 / By Olga Yurchak

In today’s digital-first business landscape, having a robust B2B eCommerce platform is no longer optional— it’s essential. But for many businesses, a crucial question looms: should you build a custom solution in-house or invest in a vendor-built platform? Let’s explore this dilemma and uncover a potential third option that might just be the perfect fit for your business.

The Build vs. Buy Debate

Building a custom solution is like constructing your dream home from the ground up. You have complete control over every aspect, from the foundation to the finishing touches. This approach can be ideal for companies in regulated industries, those with complex workflows, or businesses serving multiple verticals.

On the flip side, buying a vendor solution is akin to renting a fully-furnished apartment. It’s convenient, quick to set up, and often more budget-friendly. This option shines for businesses with simpler selling models, those looking for a swift market entry, or companies wanting to avoid the headaches of hosting and upgrades.

Key Considerations

Before making your decision, consider these crucial factors:

  • Budget: Factor in not just initial costs, but long-term expenses like maintenance and updates.
  • Customer Needs: Your platform should align with what your buyers actually want and need.
  • Future Growth: Choose a solution that can scale with your business.
  • B2B Complexity: Ensure your platform can handle the intricacies of B2B transactions.
  • Time to Market: Building from scratch takes longer—is that time you can afford?
  • Stakeholder Buy-In: Involve key players from marketing, sales, and IT in the decision.

The Hidden Costs of Building

While a custom-built solution might seem appealing, it’s crucial to look beyond the surface. Building robust eCommerce software requires specialized expertise and resources. Ask yourself:

  • Are you prepared to essentially become a software company?
  • Can you handle the ongoing costs of maintenance, security, and compliance?
  • Do you have the team to support this solution long-term?

A Third Way: The Hybrid Approach

What if you could combine the best of both worlds? Enter the hybrid approach: customizing a flexible B2B eCommerce platform. This strategy offers:

  1. Resource Optimization: Leverage vendor expertise while focusing on your core business.
  2. Agility: Adapt quickly to market trends and customer demands.
  3. Future-Proofing: Avoid the limitations of one-size-fits-all solutions while benefiting from ongoing vendor updates.

The ideal platform should deliver 70-80% of the features you need out of the box, with the flexibility to customize the rest to your unique requirements.


The build vs. buy decision is no longer binary. By considering a hybrid approach, you can harness the power of a tried-and-tested platform while retaining the ability to tailor it to your specific needs. This balance of efficiency and customization might just be the key to unlocking your B2B eCommerce potential.

Remember, the right solution for your business depends on your specific needs, resources, and goals. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate your options, involve key stakeholders, and choose the path that best positions your business for long-term success in the digital marketplace.